One of the secrets of the C-suite is that they are always dealing with scarcity. This is an economic fact; and while world-class corporate offices with highly paid executives on several continents may not bring the word “scarcity” to mind, every organization, no matter its balance sheet or market cap, has limited resources. There is only so much money and time to go around.
In reality, scarcity just means that choices must be made. Money spent in one place cannot be spent in another. One hundred thousand dollars spent on learning will not be available to spend on marketing or hiring, or any one of several dozen other budget items. This means that the opportunity costs for the development of learning programs must be carefully considered.
Join Miriam Taylor, Chief Learning Strategist at Inno-Versity, and Dr. Jerry Zandstra, co-founder of Inno-Versity, as they dive into the first layer of the Triple Bottom Line of eLearning!
You’ll come away with answers to these questions (and more):
- What does learning, training, and development look like from a C-suite perspective?
- What key metrics do they consider, and how can learning teams hit those metrics?
- How do you broaden the understanding of all those who invest in learning (and who expects a return on that investment)?
November 19th, 2019 11:00 AM PST, 2:00 PM EST, 7:00 PM GMT
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