Sat.Jun 11, 2016 - Fri.Jun 17, 2016

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Timing is Everything Series: Part 6 Structured vs. On-Demand Learning

Infopro Learning

Timing is Everything Series: Intro , Anxiety , Information Overload , Knowledge Formation , Optimum Performance , Growth , Stagnancy , or Decline , Structured vs. On-Demand Learning, ( Download the complete white paper ). Structured vs. On-Demand Learning. A central premise of the learning curve framework is that the training program is well-structured and planned out in advance: the program’s budget, timelines, content, personnel, and administration are all accounted for at the outset.

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3 Challenges Vendors Face When Going LMS SaaS

Upside Learning

Most LMS vendors operate or either wish to operate in a SaaS engagement model. While there is no denying the possible pros of SaaS (for both the vendors and the customers), the learning domain offers some unique challenges to vendors in going the SaaS way. Below are some critical challenges of SaaS specific to vendors […].

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Elearning Market Trends 2016: Learning tech falls short of market needs


Brandon Hall Group’s Learning Technology Study reveals lack of social and mobile tools. Brandon Hall Group’s 2016 Learning Technology study shows organizations are hungry for a well rounded Learning Management System with mobile capabilities, social tools and an emphasis on relevant and engaging content. The learning technology analyst at Brandon Hall Group conducted months of research and found organizations are unsatisfied with the current options for informal learning and social learning tool

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An Introduction to elearning: Part Three


So far in our introduction to elearning, we’ve covered the selection of appropriate elearning tools as well as shared some tips on authoring better elearning content. In our final post in the series we’ll look at 6 ways to adapt traditional learning delivery approaches to include an elearning twist. 1. Go beyond the course A Read More.

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Mastering Remote Onboarding: Proven Strategies for Seamless New Hire Integration

Speaker: Tim Buteyn, President of ThinkingKap Learning Solutions

Join this brand new webinar with Tim Buteyn to learn how you can master the art of remote onboarding! By the end of this session, you'll understand how to: Craft a Tailored Onboarding Checklist 📝 Develop a comprehensive, customized checklist that ensures every new hire has a smooth transition into your company, no matter where they are in the world.

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An Inside Look on Life as an Inkblot: Inkling’s 2016 Summer Picnic


Inkling is made up of amazing Inkblots. Each year we hold a company-wide picnic, with activities thoughtfully designed to stretch our understanding of one another beyond the daily office dynamic. This year, we took the old-fashioned notion of a company picnic and really brought it to life. Our goal wasn’t to merely bring the whole team together in an engaging setting, outside of the workplace.

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eLearning: Interactive vs. Engaging

The Logical Blog by IconLogic

by Sally Cox    People love to talk about how they want their eLearning courses to be interactive, but to be really effective eLearning, it has to do more than just interact with the learner; it has to engage them.  Just adding a simple button is interactive, but it's not engaging the learner. They have not been asked to think about anything other than tapping a button.

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TOPYX LMS Recognized for Tin Can API Adoption


It doesn’t matter if you call it xAPI, Experience API, or Tin Can API – It’s all the same thing. Why so many names? I have no idea. But, I do know that TOPYX learning management system (LMS) software is recognized for implementing the Tin Can API functionality as a part of the low, flat fee (no user or data fee) pricing structure for all of the award-winning features TOPYX offers.

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Good gear

E-Learning Provocateur

I was in the market for a new smartphone recently, so I took up Samsung’s offer of a free Gear VR headset with a purchase of the new S7. As readers of Paper cuts will know, I’ve been toying with virtual reality via the Google Cardboard headset. Now I had the opportunity to compare my experience with another headset one step higher up in the food chain.

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The Learning Analytics Market to Increase by 25% by 2020

Lambda Solutions

“Research and Markets” recently generated a report that predicts the learning analytics market to increase by over 25% by 2020 — that’s a quarter of the market, in just four years. R&M analysts identify two major influences in this projected growth: a more streamlined focus on administration of budget, and an emphasis on personalized learning methods.

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Foundations of Diversity: Building an Inclusive Company From the Ground Up

Can you guess why top-tier companies place such a high emphasis on diversity? Because a successful business mirrors the world around it. Diverse companies create empowering environments and are 35% more likely to financially outperform their peers. This new guide offers strategic insights to build a vibrant, diverse, and innovative workforce. Learn to assess your current workforce, understand demographics, and identify barriers to inclusivity.

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Surprisingly Cool Things You Can Do with an LMS


Surprisingly Cool Things You Can Do with an LMS. Not all Learning Management Systems are created equally. In fact, you would be hard pressed to identify matching features across the entirety of the industry. So instead of "Surprisingly Cool Things You Can Do with an LMS" this article may be more aptly titled, "Things You Did Not Know GyrusAim Could Do for You" However, it is best to gaze upon this list with the intent to evaluate your current LMS, as it too may have some of these

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Using Microlearning to Pull Learners to Your Content

InSync Training

Training Magazine Network Session Recap. Several months ago, Jennifer Hofmann’s presentation “ How to Engage Modern Learners ,” explored the differences between Push training and Pull learning. Traditional training focuses on the Push – formal scheduled programs that provide planned, siloed instruction. Pull learning, on the other hand, uses a decentralized, learner-centric approach to make content readily available in a specific moment of learning need.

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The ultimate LinkedIn cheat sheet

Jane Hart

With Microsoft’s acquisition of LinkedIn in the news, here’s a LinkedIn cheat sheet (from Leisure Jobs ) that will help you quickly create the perfect Linkedin profile, maximise your online visibility, build your contact list or get contacted about a new job.

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Can VR make learning viral?

Origin Learning

Sensory, stimulating, and sticky – that’s how learners would want their learning to be. And, that is a demand that is influencing organizations – large, medium and small enterprises – to evaluate the latest trends, technologies, and tools that would make this a reality. So, how then can the perennial challenge faced by global enterprises be handled, to make it a win-win for all stakeholders?

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The Ultimate Guide to Monetizing Customer Learning

Every decision that goes into your learning monetization strategy matters for your organization’s bottom line. Our research has shown a clear correlation between high program maturity (and ROI!) and choosing the right monetization strategy. This eBook contains clear, actionable ways to approach packaging and pricing models that will help your association grow revenue, improve profitability, and drive expansion into new markets.

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Gamification – Badges, Levels, or Leaderboards?


Gamification – Badges, Levels, or Leaderboards? Gamification is a buzzword you have undoubtedly encountered. The novel concept of taking something that is intrinsically fun and forming it around a learning exercise is an incredible notion that really invigorates the field of corporate learning and development. But anything new tends to lead to a lot of questions and with those develop a few barriers of entry that the industry must overcome.

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What's the future of learning? Hint: Think Blended

InSync Training

Mimeo Webinar Recap & Follow-Up. Recently, the InSync team partnered with Mimeo to explore the current climate of corporate learning. We crafted a survey that asked questions about organization learning and the experiences of practitioners in the field. Over four hundred respondents completed the questionnaire, and their insights laid the foundation for our joint eBook, The State of Learning & Development in 2016.

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Join the LearningToGo Six Question Challenge and Win a Free Book!


We’re expanding on Marshall Goldsmith’s 10-day Behavior Changing Technique. Marshall Goldsmith has been recognized as the #1 Leadership Thinker of our time. This author, speaker, thought leader and Brain Matters keynote speaker recently wrote an article for Talent Management magazine called “6 Engaging Questions to Ask.” The idea is that if you consciously focus on a behavior change every day you will achieve a change in a dramatically short period of time.

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How Does Watching Videos Improve Learner Engagement?

Origin Learning

A symbol or an icon that kicks in engagement and triggers excitement intrigues you enough to immediately rush to touch and see what unfolds before you. That is the sheer pleasure of engagement that video learning can bring among learners. The workforce profile is changing globally. The buzz is around millennials when it comes to recruitment, training, or planning the skill development framework.

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Quickly Create Personalized Learning Experiences that Work

How can we actively engage learners 24/7, on their level and according to their interests, while respecting their learning styles? It’s not impossible. In this guide: Explore how to transform traditional, one-way videos into two-way interactive learning experiences Understand different types of artificial intelligence (AI), including - Generative vs.

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Is Too Much Collaboration a Bad Thing?


Most companies that employ collaborative practices can probably tell you that they see many of collaboration’s benefits. When you have a group working on a common goal , things get done faster, team members have an opportunity to assess their own strengths and weaknesses, and individuals can increase their knowledge base and trust in one another. All of this leads to more efficiency and happier workers.

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The Evolution of Workplace Learning in a SlideShare Timeline

Jane Hart

Jane talking about informal learning at the e-Learning Innovations Symposium held at George Mason University, Washington in June 2012. I am often asked about the keynotes, presentations and workshops I give at different events around the world – either in person or online. Wherever possible I upload them to SlideShare, so that others can benefit from them too – although as I try to avoid lots of text on the slides themselves, this means it is sometimes difficult to understand them wi

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Best Moodle Plugins for Gamification – A Curated List


All the hoopla around gamification in e-learning is because we are looking at enhanced learner engagement as the bottom line objective. Besides engagement, gamification allows the learners to retain and recall information better. This blog post is borne out of requests sent in by the attendees of the Moodle Gamification webinar, conducted on June 14th, 2016.

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New Admin and Performance Capabilities!


Today we are happy to announce that we have pushed out the latest LearnDash core update. The focus of these updates are mostly “under the hood”, but we also made sure to throw-in some new functionality for you to use when managing your LearnDash courses. These enhancements are a direct result of the feedback you all have provided us as you use LearnDash for powering your learning programs.

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HIA Technologies Turns a New Chapter in Interactive Learning

HIA Technologies announces the launch of Qvio™️ interactive video platform for learner-driven, AI-enabled, education. Viewers get instant answers to their questions directly from videos, interrupting when needed, and getting an author-validated answer!

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Insight Conference – What you missed

B Online Learning

What a magnificent day it was on Friday the 27th May as B Online Learning kicked of its Insight Conference to celebrate its 10 year birthday! The client exclusive affair was held at the Australian National Maritime Museum in Darling Harbour, with a gorgeous backdrop of blue skies, water and sunshine. With our valued partners in tow, […].

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Introducing the Mass Student Adder Tool


We’re delighted to announce the release of our Mass Student Adder Tool. A lot of our customers needed to add multiple students to their events at once, so we created this handy time saving tool to do just that. Better still, you can bulk add students through either Accounts or Custom Reports. Read More.

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What’s Your Learning Tool Stack?

Clark Quinn

I woke up this morning thinking about the tools we use at various levels. Yeah, my life is exciting ;). Seriously, this is important, as the tools we use and provide through the organization impact the effectiveness with which people can work. And lately, I’ve been hearing the question about “what’s your <x> stack” [x|x=’design’, ‘development’, …].

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How video embedding on your LMS can help inspire your learners


How video embedding on your LMS can help inspire your learners and boost retention. As social creatures, much of our learning is derived from observing and being observed by others. This social learning is becoming increasingly important for learning and development in the modern workplace. For this reason, having a learning management system (LMS) that utilizes embedded video is invaluable.

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Modernizing Hiring: The Rise of Contingent Recruitment in 2024

The job market is changing fast, and to stay ahead, your hiring strategy needs to be flexible. With recent economic shifts, more companies are turning to contingent workers for their adaptability and cost savings. In fact, 32% of businesses are already prioritizing contingent over traditional full-time positions. Curious to learn more? In our new guide, you'll discover: The major benefits of incorporating contingent workers into your team.

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Project Kickoff: Your Most Important Tool for Project Success

Dashe & Thomson

A project kickoff meeting is more than just a feel good meet-and-greet. It is the first, and most important, opportunity to set expectations across the entire project team. It is the essential tool to get a project started with the whole team invested and contributing to the project’s success right from the start.

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Do You Have a Mobile Learning Strategy?


Many organizations have an elearning strategy, but do they have one for mobile learning? The rise of mobile technology has made elearning professionals re-think how we view elearning. What was once considered to be a part of elearning has now grown into its own industry. There are now tools and techniques specific to the mobile learning market. Clear distinctions can be made between the traditional elearning model we have known the past decade and the emerging mobile learning market.

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John Black #ICELW Keynote Mindmap

Clark Quinn

Professor John Black of Columbia Unveristy gave a fascinating talk about how games can leverage “embodied cognition” to achieve deeper learning. The notion is that by physical enaction, you get richer activation, and sponsor deeper learning. It obviously triggered lots of thoughts (mine are the ones in the bubbles :). Lots to ponder.

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