Performance - Collaboration - Social Network Analysis - eLearning Hot List
Tony Karrer
JUNE 16, 2009
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Tony Karrer
JUNE 16, 2009
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Tony Karrer
MAY 5, 2009
4) Social Networks (23) Adoption (8) eLearning Technology. Browse eLearning Content
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Skilful Minds
SEPTEMBER 23, 2009
Overall, as the post's subject indicates, my interest is in showing how social network analysis, applied to the ecosystems of organizations, can assist us in applying social business design in a manner that avoids the fallacy of open/closed business cultures.
The Simple Shift
MARCH 3, 2021
I’ve always appreciated Social Network Analysis (SNA).
Mobile Coach
NOVEMBER 3, 2021
Why a Chatbot for Social Network Analysis? Surveying is the most common method to analyze employee social network health, however these are typically challenging to complete, a drain on productivity, and inaccurate. You can’t fix what you can’t see.
Clark Quinn
JANUARY 12, 2017
For instance she made the case for context-sensitive performance support, social network analysis, and a learning culture. Rahaf Haroush opened the second day of the 2017 ATD TechKnowledge conference. She made clear some important points about the potential for technology.
Tony Karrer
APRIL 28, 2009
Browse eLearning Content
Tony Karrer
JUNE 30, 2009
I've been using eLearning Learning to create Hot Lists for a while now: eLearning Initial Hot List eLearning Hot List Feb 1-14 eLearning Hot Last Week eLearning Top 9 Posts You May Have Missed eLearning Hot List - April 1, 2009 to April 11, 2009 eLearning Host List February eLearning Hot List - Second Half of January Google Wave – Social Learning – (..)
Tony Karrer
MAY 12, 2009
Browse eLearning Content
Moodle Journal
AUGUST 5, 2007
Just recently, during the summer, I have been dipping into SNA (Social Network Analysis) this is a methodology for mapping and measuring relationships and flows in a system; this can be human or even data itself.
Tony Karrer
JUNE 23, 2009
The Art of Computer Game Design , June 17, 2009 Social Network Analysis: An introduction , June 12, 2009 Rapid (Collaborative) Authoring Tools for developers/SMEs in multiple locations , June 17, 2009 U.S.
Jay Cross
MARCH 8, 2011
Network analysis. Social network analysis provides another level of sophistication in analyzing network activity. Social network analysis lets us look at groups. Value network analysis could yield economic information that social network analysis fails to cover.
Saffron Interactive
JULY 23, 2014
How Learning Experience Networks mean we can design the complete experience. How social network analysis enables us to identify leaders and launch viral behaviour-change campaigns. Why leveraging learner production (user-generated content) is the key to emotional investment. Blog LMS Videos'
CLO Magazine
FEBRUARY 15, 2014
By understanding how informal networks communicate and collaborate, social network analysis can facilitate more effective learning program design and promote more innovative collaboration. Behind every official organization chart is a web of informal networks composed of individual relationships.
Joitske Hulsebosch eLearning
SEPTEMBER 30, 2016
Social Network Analysis is one of my passions, but I always felt it is an odd one out in my advisory practice. Doing SNA is a super important step in social learning. It is still a question of where we want to focus our advisory practice. Or should we specialize? In the book I tried to find a place for it and found it.
Tony Karrer
FEBRUARY 17, 2009
Eva Schiffer bridges networks and knowledge sharing , while Valdis Krebs is clearly a social network analysis and networks maven. Jessica Lipnack is a network networker, often hovering towards the center of virtual work and teams. One key word like an arrow in the center of a bullseye.
Clive on Learning
JANUARY 12, 2011
Social network analysis. The use of widgets, Outlook add-ins, etc. to provide embedded functionality such as providing instant feedback (‘Saba Impressions’). User-generated content submission with peer ratings.
Joitske Hulsebosch eLearning
FEBRUARY 26, 2015
Even doing a social network analysis and identifying thought leaders is an intervention. It is almost like intervention is a dirty word like teaching or lecturing. Interventions can be assignments, but also facilitation of workshops and communities. Often people talk about learning and it is unclear to me what we mean.
Vignettes Learning
OCTOBER 6, 2007
Hamel's mention of "natural hierarchies" as a most adaptive form of organization reminds me of what we learn in the study of Social Networking Analysis ( SNA ) and Social Capital Asset ( SCA ). He says "everyone has a voice," which is good for all organizations.
Big Dog, Little Dog
AUGUST 11, 2005
Social Network Analysis: What to Map. Elliott Masie interviews Dan Pink on his latest and provocative book. Dan Pink offers a fresh look at what it takes for individuals and organizations to excel.
Big Dog, Little Dog
FEBRUARY 24, 2006
The use of social network analysis as a management tool is accelerating. Tag: Social Network Analysis. Mapping informal relationships at a company is revealing -- and useful - Business Week. Also, see: Untangling Office Connections. Was Blink right after all? Malcolm Gladwel.
Mark Oehlert
DECEMBER 2, 2013
/Ecological Validity/Infrastructure Structure Super-structure/Foucault / Bentham Panopticism/Start Small/ Think big / Move fast/Subject-Matter Networks Can we think of these as kinship systems?/World
Vignettes Learning
FEBRUARY 4, 2007
Why are many of us in businesses surprised that social networking is so popular? His presentation on Social Networking Analysis ( SNA ) created a vortex and black hole in my mind and heart. I recall a presentation made by Bill Russell from Raytheon last November, 2006, at Elliott Masie's Learning Conference.
Big Dog, Little Dog
JUNE 18, 2005
Social network analysis, or SNA, helps maximize a company's collective smarts. It's hard to recall any branded recreational product that ever carried the cultural oomph that the iPod now has. Who Knows Whom, And Who Knows What? Employees' personal connections can be as valuable as their individual knowledge base.
Big Dog, Little Dog
JUNE 23, 2005
Social network analysis, or SNA, helps maximize a company's collective smarts. KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT - Who Knows Whom, And Who Knows What? Employees' personal connections can be as valuable as their individual knowledge base. History is written by the winners - not any more it isn't?
Big Dog, Little Dog
JULY 7, 2005
Social Network Analysis is a set of survey methods and statistics that reveals the hidden connections between people. It's Who You Know. Are the Basics of Instructional Design Changing? Sometimes, just asking a question is indicative of a significant change in climate.
Jay Cross
JULY 6, 2009
Friday Flashback: Chris Lott’s Information Fluency and Social Fluency , March 26, 2009. Social Network Analysis: An introduction , June 12, 2009. Top June 2009 items identified with social signals: Learning and micro-blogging , June 24, 2009. Social Network Analysis: An introduction , June 12, 2009.
eLearning Learning Posts
SEPTEMBER 29, 2009
Using Social Network Analysis in Social Business Design - Skilful Minds , September 23, 2009. Video: Pay Attention - Dont Waste Your Time , September 21, 2009. Ordering Training is Not Like Ordering Pizza - MinuteBio , September 23, 2009. Let the Learners Hold the Spoon - Bozarthzone , September 23, 2009.
The Learning Circuits
AUGUST 3, 2005
Think social networking analysis, workflow learning, collective intelligence, presence awareness, expert locating, communities of knowledge (made up of smaller communities of practice). Hopefully it will result in some truly innovative stuff versus people scrambling to get into liferafts.
eLearning Learning Posts
JULY 8, 2009
Social Network Analysis: An introduction , June 12, 2009. Learning and micro-blogging , June 24, 2009. 10 Strategies for Integrating Learning and Work (part 2) , June 22, 2009. Why Do People Play Games? - The Art of Computer Game Design , June 17, 2009. Spies Use Custom Videogames to Learn How to Think , June 17, 2009.
Mark Oehlert
MARCH 3, 2008
Dion Hinchcliffe, as per usual, has a good solid explanation of the social graph (and a lovely graphic). It is close to social network analysis but is more closely tied to graph theory - hence its language of nodes and vertices. Think of it as the study of people and their connections.
Think Orion
OCTOBER 13, 2023
UMD, USMx: Online Advertising & Social Media Source: EDX Online Advertising and Social Media course by UMD, USMx is designed to prepare individuals for a comprehensive approach to online advertising, detailing various analysis approaches and selecting the right networks and messages.
DECEMBER 10, 2020
We’re using Artificial Intelligence in order to be able to do things like Factor Analysis. Qualitative data, text mining, sentiment analysis, being able to look at language patterns, being able to look at the language patterns in an organisation. Not just data that we’re using to structure data like in a spreadsheet and numbers.
DECEMBER 10, 2020
We’re using Artificial Intelligence in order to be able to do things like Factor Analysis. Qualitative data, text mining, sentiment analysis, being able to look at language patterns, being able to look at the language patterns in an organisation. Not just data that we’re using to structure data like in a spreadsheet and numbers.
Jay Cross
MAY 23, 2008
social software apps. social network analysis. The “Community topic turned out to cover many potential topics: collaboration. learning with peers. discussion groups and wikis. Communities of Practice. informal learning. reputation management. expert locators. corporate culture.
Jay Cross
MARCH 29, 2015
… The emergent way of learning is more likely to involve community, storytelling, simulation, dynamic learning portals, social network analysis, expertise location, presence awareness, workflow integration, search technology, help desks, spontaneity, personal knowledge management, mobile learning, and co-creation.
Jay Cross
NOVEMBER 18, 2009
Moderator (Harold Jarche): value network analysis. Moderator (Harold Jarche): social network analysis. Moderator (Jay Cross): Value network analysis: ABSOLUTELY. mariancasey: Describe value network analysis I've done social network. Sandy E: @Clark - smallest thing?
Saffron Interactive
JUNE 16, 2014
How Learning Experience Networks mean we can design the complete experience. How social network analysis enables us to identify leaders and launch viral behaviour-change campaigns. Why leveraging learner production (user-generated content) is the key to emotional investment. Online registration.
Saffron Interactive
JANUARY 23, 2014
Saffron Share integrates with social network analysis tools to enable managers to target learning inventions based on the real relationships within their organisation. What happens in the space where ‘formal’ learning activities and ‘social-activators’ collide. How to take learning off the shelf and put it into action.
Jay Cross's Informal Learning
JULY 12, 2010
. • Encourage people to narrate their work, documenting what they do to share with others. • Root out information hoarding; make sharing the norm (Some companies fire hoarders). • Use social network analysis to locate and break bottlenecks. • Provide workers with smart phones, modern PCs, and internet access. • Seek opportunities to help customers, (..)
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